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Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Funniest Web Comics: Part 1

It's a rather dangerous act, disovering a new web comic. Once you find a goodie, you scour  archives for hours on end. It's some sort of shot to relieve the bout of FOMO you felt coming on, or an attempt to label yourself as their "biggest fan". Now these aren't online graphic novels or some true only-this-corner-of-the-internet-knows-about-it comics. They're short, sweet, funny, and most are so mainstream it'll make you want to gag.

Warning: Your internet cap about to cringe, so I'll put these in several posts. Suggest more in the comments.

1. The Doghouse Diaries

The Doghouse Diaries

The Doghouse Diaries

2. Brainless Tales

Brainless Tales

Brainless Tales

3. Buttersafe



4. The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

5. Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey 

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey 

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey